I was confused, did she know something I didn't? "Um, yeah," was my timid answer.
"How old are you?" She asked, more like demanded.
"Um, 26."
And a wave of relief washed over her face as she said "Oh, thank god, I thought you were 16 or something."
Wow. That was weird.

me at 17 | me at 27
the only thing that doesn't change is the bad posture.
And then yesterday I got that again from two different people in the same day.
I got my wedding dress hemmed yesterday. Whoo hoo! I'm making it shorter in the front than the back to give myself a little train. And while the adorable Russian lady was hemming it and giving me a lecture about how I shouldn't be drinking Coke, she asked how old I was. When I told her that I was 27, after having to stop and remember that i was 27 now and not 26, she said "you look 17 I think." And then proceeded to show me off to the whole store, saying "look, she's a bride, she's 27 but she looks 17!" And the whole place nodded and smiled. And there I am standing, red-faced, on a pedestal wearing a wedding dress. Awkward.
Then at lunch with my mom the waiter recommended that I order the chocolate cake for dessert. My mom made some comment about having to fit in a wedding dress in 2 months. The waiter and I laughed, he said "don't worry about it." And I said, "I'm not."
When he came back with the most amazing chocolate cake EVER, he said, "are you seriously getting married?"
"How old are you?"
"How old you think I am!?"
"18 or 19."
"Wow, it's cool dude, I'm 27, don't worry."
Then it was embarrassment and backtalk all around with a side of awkwardness.
And I know, I know, I should take it as a compliment, but I hate the shocked looks I keep getting. It's embarrassing. I want to walk around with a t-shirt that says, "I'm 27, so it's okay" when I go shopping for wedding stuff.