Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blogger is a little less dead to me now

So I figured it out!! I spent all night fighting with Blogger- went through all the 5 steps of grieving it felt like. I was in denial thinking, no this can't be, why would Blogger be this much of a punk!? Then I was angry, furious, cursing my wretched fate of not ever being able to check my email and blog at the same time. Of course I thought about emailing Blogger and begging them to let me change my email address, don't they understand that I'm married now, it's not my fault! Then depression set it and I put myself to bed. And I was ready to accept it this morning when I had a brilliant idea! 

Well, I have to give a little credit to my buddy Sabrina over at the Introverted Bride, her comment on my last post sparked a crazy little idea in my head...

Now pay attention newly married bloggers, this could help you out when you "make the change."

From my old email address, I invited myself to be a member of Misadventures in Wedding planning! Then signed on to my new email address and accepted the invitation. Now the Misadventures shows up on my dashboard under my new email!!!! OH HAPPY DAY!!!

Oh wow, I just had deja vu. 

Anyway, the crappy part is that if I want to erase a comment or do anything more than just post I have to undertake the Hurculean task of signing out and then signing back in again to do so. See? This is why I said "a little less" dead to me, Blogger.

1 comment:

Ellen Mint said...

Glad that it worked out sort of.